Here is about 550 photos of several kinds of flowers. I`d like to say, it is a hard work of photographer that was made for very lazy painters / artists. :) Because, after downloading the file you can add yours photos in this style and this is a way to expand yourlibrary of imagesof flowers. May be, not grandiouse file and super, but I found one rose that can be drawing on the birthday greeting card. Exactly, it is usefull file for downloading. For example, the pictures looks so:
Восходящее солнце - Хепри / The rising sun - Khepri
13 x 18.8 см /5" х 7.5"
Тушь / Indian Ink
Крылатый скарабей толкает солнечный диск над горизонтом. Мотив пектораля, принадлежащего Тутанхамону, из золота и драгоценных камней. Олицетворение бога Хепри - восходящего солнца.